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WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines English-Course - Blended Learning [EN]

 Online  Blended Learning  Course number D-W3WINESENONL | Download as PDF | Back to overview

Perfect Your Wine Expertise with the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines – The Ideal Preparation for the Prestigious WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines!

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of wine with the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines. This comprehensive English-language course is not only designed to elevate your wine knowledge and tasting skills to professional levels but also serves as the perfect stepping stone to the renowned WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines – the pinnacle of wine education!

Discover the depths of the wine world with the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines, an intensive seminar that offers profound and comprehensive insights into global wine production and its economic relevance in world markets. This course is your key to acquiring expert knowledge and the skills to professionally assess wines by quality and market value.

Expand Your Knowledge

With a curriculum based on both theoretical and practical learning, the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines covers a wide range of topics:

  • The Vine and its Environment: Understand how the natural environment influences wine.
  • Systematic Approach to Tasting (SAT): Learn a structured method for wine tasting.
  • Winemaking and SAT: Dive into various winemaking techniques.
  • Legal Regulations, Quality, and Price: Learn how these factors shape the wine market.
  • Sommelier Skills: Enhance your knowledge of food pairing and wine service.
  • Still Wines of the World: Explore major wine regions from France to New Zealand.

A central aspect of this seminar is the tasting technique, enabling you to evaluate wines analytically. You will learn to communicate your sensory perceptions and identify factors that determine the style, quality, and price of wines.

The final exam consists of a two-part test: a 30-minute tasting and a 120-minute theory exam that tests your acquired knowledge and skills.

After successfully completing the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines, new doors will open for you. Not only will you be able to taste and evaluate wines at the highest level, but you will also have the opportunity to participate in the renowned WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines program, paving the way for a career as a wine expert.

  • The Vine and its Environment
  • Introduction to Systematic Approach to Tasting (SAT)
  • Common Elements of Winemaking and SAT
  • White and Sweet Winemaking and SAT
  • Red and Rosé Winemaking and SAT
  • Legal Regulations, Quality, and Price
  • Sommelier Skills, Food Pairing, and Wine Service
  • Still Wines of the World 1 (France and SAT)
  • Still Wines of the World 2 (Germany-Austria-Hungary-Greece and SAT)
  • Still Wines of the World 3 (Italy-Spain-Portugal and SAT)
  • Still Wines of the World 4 (North and South America and SAT)
  • WSET® Exam Preparation
  • Sparkling Wines of the World (Sparkling Wine Production - Sparkling Wine Styles and SAT)
  • Fortified Wines of the World (Sherry-Port-Fortified Muscat Wines and SAT)
  • Still Wines of the World 5 (South Africa-Australia-New Zealand and SAT)

Examination WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines:
- TASTING (30 Min.)
- THEORY (120 Min.)

Employees in the gastronomy, hospitality, wine trade, and tourism industries who wish to expand their wine expertise after their initial training.

None. However, the WSET® Level 2 Award in Wines is recommended.

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  1. Aufstiegs-Bafög: Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter www.aufstiegs-bafoeg.de
  2. QualiScheck Rheinland-Pfalz:
    Die Teilnahme an Bildungsmaßnahmen kann über den QualiScheck Rheinland-Pfalz gefördert werden. Anspruchsberechtigt sind abhängig Beschäftigte, geringfügig Beschäftigte (Mini- Jobs), Berufsrückkehrer und Existenzgründer.
    Über den QualiScheck trägt das Land Rheinland-Pfalz einmal im Jahr 50% der Kosten der Weiterbildungsmaßnahme bis zu 500,00 €.
    Wichtig: Der QualiScheck muss vor der Anmeldung zum Kurs vorliegen.
    Detaillierte Informationen sowie Antragsformulare finden Sie im Internet unter www.qualischeck.rlp.de
  3. Steuerliche Förderung:
    Aufwendungen für die berufliche Bildung können in der Regel im Rahmen der geltenden steuerlichen Vorschriften als Sonderausgaben oder Werbungskosten geltend gemacht werden.

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from 2.150 €

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Weronika Gula Tel: +49261 30489-11 Fax: +49261 30489-34 gula@weinschule.com

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