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Diploma Exam WSET® Level 4 / D1-Wine Production [EN]

Course number D-DIPLD1 | Download as PDF | Back to overview

Diploma exam D1-Wine Production

# Important: Please attend the exam location at least 15 minutes before the exam begins.

# Once registered with WSET® , it is not possible to cancel from the exam free of charge.

A written exam in form of theoretical questions that have to be answered within 90 minutes. Only after passing the D1 Wine Production the candidates are admitted to the further examinations. The exam is administered and graded by WSET® Awards.

WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines students

  • for DWS-diploma students the first exam is free
  • for external students and exam-resitters the exam is chargeable
  • Once registered for the WSET® exam, it is not possible to cancel from the exam free of charge

Dates and places

from 175 €

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Appointment information


Participant information


Petra Treis Tel: +49 261 30489-45 Fax: +49 261 30489-36 -

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